The CSV file format, defined by its comma separated values, produces text that can form the basis of a spreadsheet or database file. Within each line, or record, individual pieces of information appear between commas that signal the end of one data field and the beginning of the next, while carriage returns separate lines into stand-alone paragraphs.
Csv Output Format For Co2calc For Mac Pro
You can use CSV files to hold anything from financial data to employee contact information. Because the CSV format remains plain text, despite its nonstandard file extension, you can edit these files in the Macintosh edition of Microsoft Word. Open the 'Edit' menu, locate its 'Find' submenu and choose 'Advanced Find and Replace.' Click on the 'Replace' tab and type the text you want to replace in the Find What entry field.
Enter your replacement text in the Replace With field. Click on the 'Find' button to locate your search text and the 'Replace' button to change it. The Find and Replace feature automatically advances to the next instance of your search text after it performs a replacement. To replace every instance in one operation, click on the 'Replace All' button.
Open the 'File' menu and choose 'Save As' to save your CSV file when you finish your edits. Rename the file if you want to preserve your original document. Word applies a '.txt' file extension after your file's '.csv' extension. Select the extra extension, press the 'Delete' key to remove it and click on the 'Save' button to save your file. When the File Conversion dialog box opens to warn you that saving in text format will remove all formatting from your file, ignore the warning. If you plan to share your CSV file with Windows users, use the Text Encoding radio buttons to select 'MS-DOS' as the format, turn on the 'Insert Line Breaks' checkbox and set the 'End Lines With' drop-down menu to 'CR/LF.' Click on the 'OK' button to finish saving your file.
Tips. For quick edits without the full power of Microsoft Word, open your CSV files in Text Edit, the miniature word processor supplied with Mac OS X. Look in the Applications folder for this useful application. Leave your CSV text unformatted.
Don't apply type styles, sizes or other features. These options have no effect on CSV's plain text. Microsoft Word locks the files it opens so other applications can't open them at the same time, eliminating the prospect of file corruption that could occur if more than one application tried to save the same file at the same time. As a result, you may see an error message if you try to open your CSV file in another application on your Mac without closing it in Word first.
If you import a CSV file into Microsoft Excel, the program assigns its records into rows and its fields into columns, turning your text document into a spreadsheet. Although you can edit CSV in and export CSV from Excel, the result in Excel itself becomes an XLSX or XLS file, not a text-based format.